It all began with an idea…to find a way to transform sound into sculpture. I was selected for the Saint John (Canada) International Stone Sculpture Symposium in 2018. It was to be about 5 weeks of work to create a monumental granite sculpture on site. Saint John, NB is on the magnificent Bay of Fundy and every summer it is the feeding grounds for many species of whales. I had started listening to whale sounds and songs and came across an especially haunting one. It was then that my idea found it’s form. I set out to recreated the audio graph of this particular humpback whale song in a 14ft (4m) tall sculpture. I wanted the song to become transfixed in stone, but the power of it to split the granite in two and reach into the sky. Below you can see just a few of the images of the work progress. I incorporated different wave forms, from sounds and from water. It now stands in the coastal town of Saint Andrews, NB.

Below the images, you will find the audio of the humpback whale used for this sculpture.